What Room Should I Remodel First?
There are a few elements and questions you do need to ask yourself before deciding where to approach first when remodelling. Renovating is a big task, and so it pays to be well-prepared before you begin. Ask yourself these questions before you hit play!
Where Do You Spend The Most Time?
Before starting your reno, ask yourself – Where do we spend the most time? It’s safe to say for most homes; the kitchen is the heart of any home. Not only is it where the meals are prepared, but it generally holds seating, making it the centre of communication. The kitchen really goes gives the household a focus and a direction; however, it does fall down to your priorities. If you’re a household that prioritises a relaxing bath after work or a safe haven master bedroom, then let your priority list dictate the remodel.
Consider Your Visitors
The bottom line is you want to be proud of your home, and you want it to be a reflection of you and your priorities. Do you want a home that can host a lot of people, or do you want a home that is unique and open to interpretation, dropping jaws at every turn? Think of your vision, and from there, you can build and create the place that best reflects you. Ask yourself- Which room will your guests enter first? Which rooms will your guests spend the most time in? Once you know these answers, plan from there.
Inconvenience Levels
When thinking of the room to start remodelling, first, don’t forget to think about how much inconvenience you’re ready to face. Renovations can disrupt your life no matter how big or small, so make sure you think about this first! You’ll have to weigh the remodelling inconvenience with your overall desire for an improved space to help you make your choice.
Reach out today and we will answer all your questions when it comes to renovations or remodelling your home.